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2021 AGM Report


On the 6th of feb, 2021 at our usual loved Yacht club, the North west spearfishing club held the annual AGM.

this is the report:

1. Welcome and introductions.

2. Review of the actions from the previous AGM

  • Text message communication – Thanks to Brent, this is in place for all comps or events.

  • Opt-in list for phone numbers for people to organise spearo partners etc (possibly on a website with the log-in?) - Not done.

  • Having a log-in section for the website for access to other members names etc. - Done by Joel.

  • NWSFC Hats - The champion Spearo hats have been received. Still need to buy the regular ones

  • Making minimum size fish at 30cm or 1kg – 30cm has been chosen and in place for the last 4 comps

  • Instagram Page – Robbie has sorted this

  • Align record procedure with AUF – Done

  • Scientific names on record list – Robbie has sorted this

  • Add AUF and WA records links to website - done

  • Port Hedland FAD proposal to Recfishwest – Project well launched. thanks to Robbie again...

  • FMG Sports Grant application - Not yet finished.

3. Treasurer's report:

  • Opening Balance: $1,498.19 the 10/01/2020.

  • Closing Balance: $4,857.71 the 11/01/2021.

Main expenses: Comp prizes, $2,134.00

Club Shirts: $1,106.00

Website / IT: $1,327.00

Hats; $465.40

Main Incomes: Membership (93 active members for 2020 on the 127 registered)

plus 6 competitions and 2 TT: $2,867.00

Sponsors: CNW $2,000.00

4. Proposed resolutions:

  • Create an Overall ranking for the season with a Grand champion at the end of the year. (prize to be decided) the first ranking has been done based on the last year results as an symbolic example. you will find attached the full ranking list and the 4 bases rules. This can be discussed and modified before the kick of the next season.

  • The 3 top scores for the 2020 season are: Maxime Rossi 1st, Robbie peck and Troy Moore 2nd ex-aequo!

  • The club wants to create a "team NWSFC" who can go compete in other competitions in Perth or in other states. this will demand to find more sponsor to cover for the regos and flights.

  • The club will acquire a Trailer for the remote competitions.

  • Instagram account to keep alive. for everyone who got the app, you are more than welcome to keep on posting.

  • Found out more details on the Cape K sanctuary zone.

  • Please find attached the current list of members in yellow are the members who did pay the 2021 fees. in green are the one who pay the 2020.

  • Upgrade website accessibility.

  • Improve the automatic response from the website to avoid Max to send mail to all new members with the constitution, events documents...

5. Election of the new committee:

President: Max.

Vice President: Wally.

Treasurer: Robbie.

Secretary: Holly

Committee members: Brent, Rocky, Ben, Jeremy, Brett, Nathan, Steve and Daniel.

6. Triple treat rewards given to Robbie and Wally.

And lucky door prize: Brett, who received a cooler bag offered by NW liquors.

End of the AGM,

Thanks to Debbie Gally for offering the Bar Tab.

Thank you for the participants, and thank you for the new (and retiring) committee members.

A last word For Joel Taylor and Debbie Galli who hand over their positions held for the last 2 and a half years. Thanks for all the efforts and commitments since the creation of the club, Joel took over the president role after James Ellis and we cant thanks him enough for this. Debbie was vice secretary and active member of the committee, she help us during the competitions even if the is not diving.

The club is very Lucky tho have you guys running the show for all this time.

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